Infinite stratos season 1 episode 2 sub
Infinite stratos season 1 episode 2 sub

infinite stratos season 1 episode 2 sub

Including while wearing the suit (BEFORE exposing her cover) she was completely flat ( No offence to anyone who may get offended) There are a lot more. It was a bit weird to make someone have a good body as a girl but when she was acting as being a guy. However the suit was suddenly all OK and unrestricted by others which gives a high chance of the suit doing something like that again. And not to mention, the suit she wore was completely destroyed when the suit tried to take over her. She barely used her powers like she had been. Specially her threads to hold on to someone. However whenever she battled including the battle with Laura. Lingyin Huang the 2nd best friend of Ichika had a special weapon which was powerful enough to fire compressed air so it is literally not visible to see the same. Again i'd ignore the fact that all the transfers learnt perfect Japanese without any problem. But still it did not make sense not covering any body part as such which makes the volley of bullets when fired upon almost impossible to dodge when you are showing more than 50% of your body without armour.


The suits are designed for versitality and of course there was a requirement for a bit of skin for some people.

infinite stratos season 1 episode 2 sub

Although I am ready to ignore the fact here that he did not get crushed by a suit weighing a ton crashing at such a velocity. he is below her and after crash he is above her and of course you guessed it where exactly. When Ichika falls on his teacher who crashes from the sky. And at the start, she was shown using a IS to train Ichika, however a few episodes later she needs help to learn the basics and get inside the IS from Ichika. Starting with Houki Shinonono who is known for her skills in melee combat. But this serious has a major issue of loop holes. However lacking the originality in terms of the situation (it is always one guy with many girls after him) but yeah. But considering the anime overall it is funny, has a good story, And feels pretty much an original piece. There are some points which are a bit obvious and some other points which don't make sense at all. I did enjoy the first season and for now that is all I have seen.

Infinite stratos season 1 episode 2 sub